Tuesday, March 8, 2011

FM can’t be summon on Ombudsman impeachment complaint, says Noel

TACLOBAN CITY- Representative Florencio “Bem” Noel of the An Waray party-list group said that the House cannot summon any of its members to appear relative to the impeachment complaint filed against Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez.

Noel made this clarification amid report that Leyte Representative Ferdinand Martin Romualdez (1st dist) might be summon by the committee on justice on the on-going impeachment complaint against the ombudsman.

The name of the Leyte solon was mentioned on the impeachment complaint against Gutierrez due to the lavish dinner he reportedly sponsored to former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo during her state visit in the United States. Romualdez is a close ally of the former President.

“We cannot easily call or summon any member out of parliamentary courtesy,” Noel said.

Both Noel and Romualdez sits at the committee on justice which is presently deliberating on the impeachment complaint against Gutierrez. (Roel Amazona)

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