Friday, November 30, 2012

Legarda Lauds Philippines’ Vote on Palestine’s UN Recognition

Senator Loren Legarda today welcomed the United Nations General Assembly decision granting non-member observer state status to Palestine and lauded the affirmative vote extended by the Philippines during the general assembly voting.

Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, said that the UN has taken a constructive move towards the fulfillment of a long overdue two-state solution that will hopefully lead to lasting peace, recalling that the Philippines was one of the countries that had supported the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 in 1947 that partitioned Palestine into two states toward achieving a solution to the conflict.

“It is time for the Israelis and the Palestinians to take constructive and progressive steps toward achieving lasting and meaningful peace,” she said. 

“Our own experiences have shown that peace is only possible if there is political will and the openness by parties concerned to resume negotiations on the basis of a shared desire to achieve lasting peace,” she added.

Legarda explained that by the said vote, the world community calls the attention of the parties to be guided by various UN Security Council resolutions, the Madrid principles, and other relevant agreements.

“It is time the parties resume direct negotiations. More than 160 deaths, mostly civilians have been recorded recently as violence broke out this month on account of rocket attack exchanges between Gaza and Israel.  A ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian Group Hamas has recently been declared bringing a temporary end to the hostilities,” she pointed out.

“A more durable and just peace is needed for the sake of present and future generations of Palestinians and Israelis,” Legarda concluded.

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