Saturday, March 11, 2017

NMP Turns Up Training Needs of Maritime Instructors

NMP Press Release

Tacloban City --- Results of a training needs analysis (TNA) conducted by the National Maritime Polytechnic (NMP) reveal specific subject areas in the Training Course for Instructors (IMO Model Course 6.09) needing further emphasis and strengthening as well as other industry recommended Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (KSAs) that maritime instructors need to have to reinforce learnings.
Training modules that may be developed under the IMO MC 6.09 are in the areas of Subject-related Lesson Plan, Course Design, Identifying/Determining and Writing Learning Outcomes, Overview of STCW Convention and Code Requirements for Competence-based Training and Evaluating Teaching and Learning.
On the other hand, training modules on other industry recommended KSAs include Communication and Presentation Skills, Leadership, Management and Cultural Awareness, Classroom Management Skills and Development of Instructional Materials.
It also recommended that topics on industry updates, latest development in maritime regulations, attributes of a Maritime Instructor should be priority discussions in professional meetings of maritime instructors in their respective schools or training centers.
The TNA is one of the key components of a recent initiative of NMP dubbed as “6.09 Plus (Value-adding the Training Course for Instructor, IMO Model Course 6.09)”. It is designed to boost the capabilities and competencies of faculty in maritime training institutions through enhancing the training interventions for them.
The IMO MC 6.09 is a basic teacher training for maritime instructors designed to equip the maritime instructors with the fundamental skills on instructional delivery.
Respondents of the TNA were maritime instructors from maritime higher education institutions (MHEIs) and maritime training institutions who have completed the said course.
This undertaking supplements the NMP’s ongoing study entitled Skills Gap Analysis of Maritime Faculty in Philippine Maritime Higher Education Institutions that is aimed at generating information on the training and development needs of maritime faculty of MHEIs, as basis in the development of an Action Plan for a National Maritime Program for Faculty Development.

The National Maritime Polytechnic, the sole government maritime training and research center in the country, conducts maritime studies to come up with policies for the improvement of the manpower sector of the industry. (NMP)

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