Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Anti-Drug elements of PDEA RO8 and Counter Intelligence-Anti Illegal Drug Task Force (CI-AIDTF) 8th MIB Philippine Army arrested another Drug Personality in Tacloban City during a buy-bust operation conducted on February 28, 2017 at around 02:40 PM at Brgy. 68, Tacloban City.

In a report submitted to PDEA Director General Isidro S. Lapeña, elements of PDEA Regional Office 8 under Director Edgar T. Jubay and CI-AIDTF 8th MIB PA, identified the suspect as Harve Membrillo, 26 y.o., male, with live-in partner and resident of Brgy. 66 Paseo de Legaspi, Tacloban City.

Purchased and confiscated during the operation were three (3) pcs. heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet containing white crystalline substance suspected to be Methamphetamine Hydrochloride also known as Shabu weighing MOL 0.36 gram with an estimated market value of three thousand pesos (Php 3,000.00).

Membrillo will be charged for violation of Section 5 (Sale of Dangerous Drugs), and Section 11 (Possession of Dangerous Drugs), Article II of RA 9165. He is now temporarily detained at PDEA Detention Facility while waiting for his confinement order. (PDEA-8)

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