Monday, December 3, 2012

Legarda Pushes for Senate Concurrence in UNESCO Learning Center for Sustainable Development

Senator Loren Legarda today urged the Senate to concur in the agreement between the Philippines and the UNESCO concerning the establishment of a South-East Asian Center for Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development (SEA CLLSD) in the country.

“The establishment of the SEA CLLSD seeks to develop and provide appropriate learning programs, which aim to benefit the marginalized, the disadvantaged, and the underserved members of the population, including our indigenous peoples, our out-of-school youth and our non-literate adults, as it envisions to create an educational framework that works for sustainable development,” she explained in her sponsorship speech for Senate Resolution No. 898, under Committee Report No. 482.
Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, noted that the UNESCO CLLSD is intended to serve the Southeast Asian sub-region.

“It will provide the Philippines with the opportunity for technical exchanges, collaboration and cooperation with our immediate neighbors in the field of lifelong education for sustainability. We will not only gain knowledge, we will also grow closer to our Southeast Asian neighbors,” she said.

“We will be able to share, compare, and learn from one another’s practices and experiences. Through this, we can expect to continuously renew, improve and innovate on our learning and education systems to serve the higher goals of social development and sustainability,” Legarda concluded.

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