Sunday, February 11, 2018

DPWH completes rehab of S. Leyte bridges in 2017

MAASIN CITY - The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) field office here has recently completed major rehabilitation works of several permanent bridges in Southern Leyte funded in 2017.
District Engineer Ma. Margarita Junia said that at least 18 bridges have undergone retrofitting, repair and strengthening last year as part of its massive rehabilitation of old bridges in the province.
“Since the program started in 2015, we already rehabilitated a total of 102 bridges in Southern Leyte,” Junia reported.
The rehabilitated structures last year are Ag-agan, Ambao, Calag-itan, Catiwing, Dagsa, Hitunlob, Ingan, Malibago, Marayag, Minoyho, Panas, Pinamudlan, Sap-ang, Hindag-an, Silago, and Tuno bridges.
The P141 million-worth of rehabilitation activities included the carbon fiber application, stone masonry, and water proofing. These are intended to strengthen each structure weakened by decades of daily heavy trucks passage and abnormal weather.
“With the repair of these bridges, we assure that its quality have become stronger, thus, ensuring safer travel for motorists,” Junia said.
Rehabilitated bridges were determined through Bridge Management System (BMS) bridge data annually collected based on the bridge inventory and condition surveys done by DPWH-accredited bridge inspectors.
In 2018, the bridge strengthening project will continue with P59 million outlay covering Dan-an, Lanang, Liloan, and Pondol bridges.
DPWH Southern Leyte is tasked to maintain 153 bridges, the most number among 13 district offices in the region. Of the total number of bridges, 139 are concrete, and 14 are steel. (PR)

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