Friday, February 6, 2009

Tourism Industry is the Life-line of Philippine Economy

In the recent visit of Philippine National Police Director General Jesus Ame Versoza he said that tourism is life-line of Philippine Economy citing the great potential of our tourist spots, warm people, Filipinos being one of the English speaking countries in the world and the cheap commodities that we can offer to out tourist.

PD Gen. Versoza in an interview at the weekly media forum Express it at the Park said that Philippines has greater edge among its neighboring Asian countries when it comes to tourism aspect is concern being an archipelago. That is why in the part of the PNP they launches “Scubasurero” an environmental friendly project of the PNP that cleans coast line and shorelines of sea water in the country.

Aside from cleaning the shoreline and coast line that will help in protecting, conserving, and preserving the environment for the future generation, PD Gen Versoza said that it also aims to promote scuba diving as a sport that Filipino can learn so that they can visit creature under water to fully appreciate the beauty that nature had given to us and realize how important is caring for the environment.

Lt. Gen. Francis Lanuza, Commanding Office of the 801st (Bantay Gabay) Infantry Brigade said that tourism will help our economy bloom, specifically in Region VIII.

He added that success of tourism promotion depends in the cooperation of each other line agencies of the government, local officials and the community in the area where tourist attraction is being promoted.

Lt. Gen Lanuza added that problem concern security and peace and order must also be address to make tourist feel safe and for them to return in the area more often.

He then added that Eastern Visayas had lot to offer as far as tourism aspect is concern, from the caves to beaches and sports activities that could be done in the natural sculptured and designed nature of the region.

The newly appointed Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Executive Director Regidor De Leon, in an interview said that tourism specifically eco-tourism is good for our country.

“Tourist will arrive and they will look and see at the beautiful sceneries and spot in the area, once they leave they will take nothing but beautiful memories of the place they visited,” RED de Leon said.

“Promoting eco-tourism is a good strategy in conserving our environment especially our forest,” he added.

He added that one activity that tourist can do when they are visiting a tourist spot or tourist attraction is by letting them bring a tree seedling or seeds that they can plant in the area that they will visit. This will give them attachment to the place and will make them visit it over and over.

This kind of activity according to RED de Leon will not only help tourism promotion but also helps to conserve and protect our forest for the sake of the future generation.

In an interview with Mayor Francisco Langi of Motiong, Samar and Mayor Wilfredo Estorninos of Basey, Samar, they said that tourism in a great help in Philippine economy especially in the local tourism economy.

“Tourism promotion is a great help for the local government units. It can help us to generate more jobs, investments and business creation. That is why we in the local government level are tapping every concern government agencies to help us in promoting, protecting and conserving tourism declared areas and areas with tourism potentials,” Mayor Langi said.

For their part Mayor Estorninos said that they had already educating their residents on the proper way of treating tourist that will visit their municipality especially that their town is one of the most visited places in Region VIII. Among the training that conducts is tour guiding techniques, behavior and attitude training and home-stay seminar.

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