Thursday, December 11, 2008

Peace Forum Held in Samar Towns

The Commission on Human Rights headed by CHR Regional Director Paquito Nacino, together with 801st Infantry Brigade, under the leadership on Lt. Col. Francis Lanuza, conducted a Peace Forum in the municipalities of Motiong and Basey, Samar.

The two-day peace forum which was first held in the municipality of Motiong was attended by Jiabong Municipal Mayor Chanita Gabieta, Motiong Mayor Francisco Langi, Paranas Mayor Felix Babalcon and 2nd District Board Member Eunice Babalcon, the second day was held in Basey, Samar attended by Baranggay Officials in Basey.

During the Peace Forum, Lt. Co. Lanuza said that "peace, justice and development" should be given a chance. There must be cooperation among residents, baranggay officials, local government executives and military to answer the existing problem of insurgency that led to the continuing problem of poverty and underdevelopment in rural areas, especially in far flung baranggays.

"Military are equipped with firearms to use against battling insurgency, but we are not just soldiers equipped with firearms but soldiers equipped with social responsibilities."

Included to this social responsibility, is to keep peace and order, justice and development to their area of jurisdiction. "That is why we invited the CHR to document and investigate all human rights complains against those who have violated it."

CHR Regional Director Paquito Nacino said that complains must be fully documented and submitted to the submitted to the proper authority to receive immediate and proper actions.

As an agency commissioned in investigating human rights abuses, the CHR needs help of those who are affected and victimized, for them to file appropriate charges and prosecute anyone who violates the basic right of every man.

The CHR had gathered about 30 complains of human rights violations and other criminal charges like, extortion, murder, robbery, grave threats, disappearance incidents of family members of allegedly perpetrated by members of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army.

Nacino added that their office is now in the process of investigating and gathering strong evidence so they could file appropriate and formal charges against the allegedly suspects on the formal complains that they gathered.

The CHR also revealed that there is an increase of human rights violations as compared to last year.

Based on their investigation that was conducted last year, CHR data on the leading human rights violators are the military, followed by members of the CPP/NPA, third the baranggay officials and other government officials, fourth are the unidentified perpetrators and fifth are members of the PNP.

Nacino also clarified that although there are formal complains filed in their office against respondents of human rights violations, they are still considered innocent under the law until they are proven guilty.

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